Yoyodyne Monkey Works

"Where the future begins tomorrow!"

At the Bottom of This Man’s Stairs Is a Secret Door. Touch It, and Something Awesome Happens.



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A panel in this guy’s home might look like any other part in the wall, but swipe your hand on it and it reveals an elaborate, light-up replica of the Doors of Durin to the mines of Moria from J.R.R. Tolkein’s “Lord of the Rings.”

And it’s not just a decorative trick. The panel actually serves as a hidden door the homeowner’s basement movie theater.

“I built it like a shadow box… the light is LED light strips inside, with a plexi-glass front covered with vinyl,” the Redditor going by the username Eclipse_007 wrote on the social news site. “The design was cut from the vinyl then painted over. the electronics were all done using an Arduino. -More-

Updated: March 4, 2015 — 11:17 am

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