After acquiring an old camera, some lenses, chemicals, trays, lights, glass, safety gear and repurposing an old music stand as a tripod we proceeded to study the process. We read old books, new websites and youtube videos to learn the history of this type of photography.

We cut our teeth one recent sunny Sunday afternoon by setting up outside and taking several group photos. Kudos to Rob and Jenn for dressing as a time traveling pirate and his lady. We were excited that we got an image first try, but it was hard to make out. There are definite skills to develop when doing this.
Last Saturday eve we set up inside and used bright work lights. It took several tries before we had an image, discovering we were underexposing.
Wyatt seems to be getting the pour down for the glass. We are still learning but we are progressing!
Thanks to all for their contributions and hard work!

02/03/19 Poozr has graciously supplied a better light for our subjects. We moved the camera and lights closer to the subject and made a test exposure by gradually removing the plate cover by 20 second increments. 30 – 40 seconds seems to be about right at f4.5.
We were 4 ft from subject. Regular light plus BBA photoflood (8500l 3400k)

Next meeting we’ll try and improve application of varnish and play with the f-stop.