Yoyodyne Monkey Works

"Where the future begins tomorrow!"


My ESP Devices

Pictured from left to right: Geophone, EMF Detector, Ultrasonic Receiver, and Thermal Imaging Camera. With the exception of the camera, all of these were assembled by me from kits. Each one, in different ways, reveals ever-present phenomena normally hidden from us. I purchased the geophone for $19.95 during a sale from BG Micro. It was […]

A picture is worth a Thousand Words

A cautionary tale for all my colleagues in the Amateur SupraPhysical Experimentation Group! As we all know, teleportation of probes of through greater than line-of-sight distances using nonresolved lat-lon coordinates has always been problematic, resulting in chronic processor failure > 90% and structural delamination of the actual probe encapsulator. Here’s a new twist: one (fool)Hardy member^ […]

3D Printed Sculptures Look Alive When Spun Under A Strobe Light

3D printed sculptures

This series of 3D printed sculptures was designed in such a way that the appendages match Fibonacci’s Sequence, a mathematical sequence that manifests naturally in objects like sunflowers and pinecones. When the sculptures are spun at just the right frequency under a strobe light, a rather magical effect occurs: the sculptures seem to be animated […]

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