This series of 3D printed sculptures was designed in such a way that the appendages match Fibonacci’s Sequence, a mathematical sequence that manifests naturally in objects like sunflowers and pinecones. When the sculptures are spun at just the right frequency under a strobe light, a rather magical effect occurs: the sculptures seem to be animated […]
Bits from Saturday’s meeting
As everyone began to arrive, we discovered that Professor Mayhem had spent the day converting a pile of empty boxes into an electric drum kit. Some piezos, an arduino, an old casio keyboard, boxes, pencils for drum sticks and some code and off we go. The build plus the definition of MIDI and how it […]
Young people are ‘lost generation’ who can no longer fix gadgets, warns professor
From “The Telegraph” UK “All of these things in our home do seem to work most of the time and because they don’t break we just get used to them. They have almost become like Black Boxes which never die. And when they do we throw them away and buy something new. “But there is […]
Happy New Year!
Here’s to a year of fun and enlightening making!
Minutes from 9/28
Professor Mayhem announced the project for the next week (time TBD) is bolting the top part of the EOC together. The structural steel person and the engineer know each other, so that should help. Mayhem will do an e-blast when more is known, to alert available monkeys to the event. N8 came in with a […]
2014 Mini Maker Faire: Wonky Pong Fever
Last spring monkeyworks engineers began scheming their next offering for the 2014 Nashville Mini Maker Faire. The ideas that emerged seemed ambitious. It had to be big, loud and excite the attendees, especially the kids. Turns out it was a Hit! What it was was Wonky Pong. An approximately 6′ 8″ square featuring a grid […]
Arduino Night After Hours
Arduino Night After Hours
April 19 minutes…
Meeting was at Professor Mayhem’s. Thanks for the eats and hosting Prof! Poozr and the Prof were creating the cap for Poozr’s light project on the 3D printer. Once completed the pieces were fitted together and tested. The LEDs inside changed color on demand and could be seen through the white plastic. Even the circuit […]